BENEATH THE CRACKS Homeless children speak up about heavy social issues confronting them on a daily basis. Gives the viewer a glimpse of what is really going on in the streets. One and a half million kids in the US with no place to call home. It is illegal to offer them a place to stay. The government does not even acknowledge their existence, homeless statistics do not include these kids. No hope, no help, nobody cares or so it seems. Visit us at:
Question by sweet&sexy: What is the appropriate age to talk to your kids about sex?
i'm just wondering because i have a six year old son and a three year old girl and i want to be able to talk to them about it so they wont want to try it as an early age i mean nobody even really talked to me about it except other kids and even when i had my period soo yeah what do you guys and gals think the appropriate age to talk to my babies about it anyways yeahhhhh just wondering thanks =) xoxoxo muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =) honestly yeah i think it is kinda young still but my son is soooo smart and just sooo wise for his age like i don't know and i just thought hey maybe i should let him know now so he wont be curious and try it at a young age i just kinda want to tell him about it before he learns it from somewhere or someone else but maybe i'll talk to him about it in like a year or 2 but thanks for the input =)
Best answer:
Answer by Mommy to 8 month old Jacob i'd say about 8 or 9 is a good age to start with the basics and then at 10 or 11 elaborate more.
Child Sexual Exploitation Via Media & Technology-How To Protect Kids
Padded push ups for seven year olds, sexting in middle school. Unfortunately childhood no longer equals innocence and the experts say technology is playing a role in the issue putting children in danger. This week, the National Children's Advocacy Center is hosting its annual child abuse symposium.
Johnny Depp's tour guide on his Pirates of the Caribbean voyages is plotting the course for a fifth installment even before the fourth movie sails into theatres.
Fairfield sex offender's untimely death may be drug related
The untimely death of a Fairfield man listed on the state's sex offender registry may been the result of a drug overdose, police said. The man, Hoydens Hill Road resident James Pinson , who police said drank and took sleeping aids, is believed to have suffered an overdose early Thursday.
Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - No other politician in this country has had to face as many allegations of a sexual nature as Anwar Ibrahim who is now fighting off accusations that he was the man in a sex video recorded in a hotel room last month.
Want to see a guy screaming into a microphone while a silent film plays in the background? Head to this year's I mages Festival , then. 54-40 are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year by releasing a new album entitled Lost In The City . It's their 13th studio LP and it's out June 14.